Here is some of my work.
My Mock New Balance x WMATA Campaign
I created this for my web production class. It’s pretty simple and it is a mock campaign, so it’s not real. I used Adobe InDesign to create it. Click the shoe to be magically transported. It opens in a new tab, for convenience.
Pantheon: Shot by Jeron Hagler
I made a documentary about my friend for my video production class. More specifically, I made a documentary about his photo series, titled Pantheon, where he shoots people he meets as mythological deities. Fun fact: he shot the first photo of me that appears on my homepage! I am open to feedback on my work, so please leave a comment or contact me through my form if you have anything to say about my work.
Hostile Architecture Infographic
I created this for my web production class as well. I got all of the information from Crisis UK, which is a United Kingdom based charity that helps people experiencing houselessness. I am open to feedback on this as well. I used generative AI to create the benches on the border, partially to save some time, but also because I wanted to experiment with AI a bit.
I, for one, embrace our future overlords. All jokes aside, I think AI should be viewed as a tool we can use in the arts, rather than something that replaces it. In fact, I think we could use AI to do all of the menial stuff nobody wants to do like taxes and instead, use our free time to educate ourselves, create art, pursue our hobbies, and just enjoy life. I know that’s a naive perspective to have, but it is very possible. I’m upset that AI is likely going to be used for corporate greed, rather than the collective good.
Anyways, I was inspired to create this infographic because hostile architecture is very much a thing in DC. It primarily affects houseless people, but it affects everyone. One example of this is the lack of public restrooms in the city. The only thing worse than having a delayed train on the Metro is having a delayed train on the Metro while having to go to the restroom. And that unfortunately is a frequent occurrence for me and thousands of other people.