I am a Christian. I Don’t Understand Why Donald Trump is Loved by Christians.
I don’t like publicly discussing my political views because of the career field I’m going into and my lack of a platform, but I feel compelled to speak on the results of this election anyway. I’m disappointed but not shocked at the results. I could repeat what I’ve seen on social media so far, but we all know what kind of person Donald Trump is, and we know what kind of person Kamala Harris is. We all have ideas about what her losing to him says about our country. I have my own views about third-party voters and nonvoters that are, at this point, a waste of time to discuss. Instead, I want to offer a perspective I haven’t heard from many other Christians: this election has wavered my faith.
I am a Christian. I was baptized into the LDS church, but I don’t identify as a member anymore, and I currently don’t attend church. For the past year, I’ve been struggling with my faith. I’ve had a few nonpolitical experiences that made me question things, but politics has played a huge role in my crisis. I see other Christians support a man who calls the country he leads “a garbage can for the world.” I see them support a man who publicly disrespects women. I see them support a man who promotes ignorance and hatred towards foreign countries and communities within our own. This isn’t someone who exudes the love and warmth I would expect from a Christian candidate, especially one with so much support from fellow Christians.
I just don’t understand. Is it the economy? Or his stances on abortion, immigration, and the LGBT community? I understand that a lot of Christians support his stances on the fundamentals, even though I don’t. But when he explains his views and issues, it’s to the extreme and devoid of any empathy. There’s more to a president than their policy and smooth talk. The president is supposed to represent us as a nation. If our nation is a Christian nation, that means that Donald Trump represents Christians. Unfortunately, I feel like it’s an accurate representation.
I feel like I’m going insane when I see other Christians repeating the horrible things he says and then, in the same breath, saying he’s chosen by Jesus. I use Jesus as a reference for how I treat others in my everyday. But when some Christians use Jesus as justification for their hatred and harm, I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed that someone who makes me feel loved and empowered makes others feel hated and weak. How can I feel his love when others are using him and his teachings as an excuse to hurt my friends?
Donald Trump lies and cheats. He hoards his wealth and resources. He’s a hypocrite, and so are many of the people in his campaign. Even if his policy stances align with many Christians, his morals don’t. I’ve interacted with so many different types of people, and I keep an open mind and try my hardest to love and forgive everyone, even though I admittedly struggle with forgiveness. We’re all sinners, but the way some people act like they’re above others for simply being Christian and holding certain beliefs (which they don’t always abide by) makes me feel dissonant with Christianity.
Above all else, I don’t like how people impose their beliefs onto others. I have moments where I look at the world around me and feel so loved and blessed by Jesus. I want others to feel that as well, but forcing them into Christianity is not how we do that. That only causes fear and resentment, and that’s not how anyone’s experience with faith should be. I just want to respect other people and give them space to do their thing as long as it’s not hurting anyone.
America has spoken, and so have Christians. I don’t want to come off as self-righteous or like I’m speaking from a moral high horse. I’m far from a perfect Christian. I’ve admitted several times I struggle with my faith, and if you couldn’t tell by reading this, I do judge others. But I can’t just stand by while people prop up someone who is using our faith for his gain. If you voted for Trump, I congratulate you, but also I hope you can understand where I’m coming from.